Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Best Bets for Winter 2012

Welcome to the first blogpost for The Otaku Juuden Complex. We are a U.S. based doujinshi circle, planning to release our first large-scale production for Comiket 84 in August of 2013. 

I'm stealthMomo and  joining me later will be Mikeru Sumiya and Ano Souka, my partners-in-crime. In the meantime, we will use this forum to discuss anime old and new.

Winter of Our Discontent?

Let's face it. The last three or four seasons have been somewhat...lacking. Although there are always a couple of bright spots every 13 weeks, I miss being inundated with too many riches.

Gods for the return of the days when you couldn't keep up. In 2009 we had Shakugen no Shana, Zero no Tsukaima, Clannad, Bakemonogatari, Minami-ke, Toaru Majutsu no Index, K-ON!, Saki, Hayate no Gotoku, Kannagi, To Love-Ru... and more I can't remember. An embarrassment of riches.

Summer 2012 had three, count 'em only three series - that left a lasting impression;

Sword Art Online, Hyouka and Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita.

Ok, maybe four. I really did like Dog Days', They put a lot of work into it obviously. Anyway, this was only to test the water. Next time I will discuss those three four series.

Sword Art Online Season Two starts next week.

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